Port Timeline

WICK (“VIK” from the old Norse) lies in a strategic position on the northeast tip of mainland Scotland.

Thomas Telford, engineering genius, Thomas Stevenson, father of Robert Louis, who lived in Harbour Terrace, and local man James Bremner, whose distinctive “Round House” overlooks the Inner Basin, and whose memorial stands above the Old Lifeboat shed, were all eminent civil engineers who built the harbour, largely as you see it today.

  • Wick Harbour Authority Established


    Wick Harbour Authority was established as part of the Modernising of Trust Ports initiative.  The Wick Harbour Revision Order 2005 was introduced to improve the constitution to enable the port to operate in a more modern way.

  • Beatrice Offshore Windfarm lease


    The signing of a lease between Wick Harbour Authority and Beatrice Offshore Windfarm (BOWL) took place in October 2017. This was the culmination of over 2 years of heavy negotiation following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding where BOWL committed to using Wick Harbour as the long-term operational base for the Beatrice wind farm.